How Deep Are Your Roots?

No tree becomes rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assails it. For by its very tossing it tightens its grip and plants its roots more securely; the fragile trees are those that have grown in a sunny valley. — Seneca
I spent most of my career in that sunny valley, getting comfortable and just trying to bask in the warmth of the sun. I took the easy route, chased what looked like success, and gave little thought to what I would do if the unthinkable happened.
The unthinkable did, of course, happen. Even when I saw signs of the changes coming and could have made different choices, I chose to live in denial and hope for the best. As we all know, that’s not an effective strategy.
Nassim Nicolas Taleb, author, statistician, and risk analyst, is possibly best known for his book “The Black Swan,” but my favorite is “Antifragile.” This is a study of how disorder makes some things stronger.
Things are either fragile (they break easily), robust (they are naturally strong), or antifragile (chaos and struggle makes them stronger). Vases are fragile, plastic toys are robust, and people are antifragile.
When I was a kid I had a habit of breaking bones. I was the one doing stupid stunts on a bike or trying to climb just a little higher. Every doctor I saw told me the same thing: when this bone heals it will be stronger than it was before.
Think about exercise: we work out by using our muscles and bodies to push against weight in order to tire them out; as a result, we get stronger and more resilient. In contrast, sitting on the couch and lifting nothing heavier than the remote leads to atrophy and weakness.
By putting all our focus on staying in our comfort zone, avoiding hardship or struggle, and ignoring those things which will ultimately improve our lives despite some initial discomfort, we set ourselves up for atrophy, and ultimately, failure.
No matter how comfortable you are right now, know that at some point you will be uncomfortable. Most likely it won’t be your choice. Are your roots deep, or are you in that sunny valley waiting to be swept away?